I thought I was tough stuff for beating Baldur’s Gate 3’s hardest difficulty, but this new permadeath ‘Honour’ mode has me quaking in my bardic boots

When I first rolled credits on Baldur’s Gate 3, it was at the hardest launch difficulty: Tactician. That achievement was slightly undermined by the knowledge that Tactician wouldn’t stay top dog forever⁠—I knew Baldur’s Gate 3 would eventually follow Larian’s Divinity: Original Sin games in adding a permadeath “Honour” mode. Now that it’s here as…

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Breaking with tradition, Activision says it will actually start talking about Call of Duty skill-based matchmaking soon

Skill-based matchmaking is a lot like magnets: How do they work? Nobody really knows outside developers themselves, and historically game makers have been reluctant to talk very much about it. But in a statement shared with Charlie Intel, Activision said it’s finally going to start offering some real insights into its processes for Call of…

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