Co-op Shooter Earthfall Out on PS4 Tomorrow

Our devs really love co-op gaming here at Holospark. Spending an evening on the couch, talking and joking with our friends online, and bashing our way through a level together is a pretty sweet time. We’re excited to bring you Earthfall, a four-player co-op shooter where you fight to survive after aliens conquer the Earth! And you can join us when Earthfall launches on PS4 tomorrow.

While we’ve enjoyed robbing banks with our friends and slashing at rats from another dimension, we were really craving that run-and-gun feeling of shooting our way through an endless swarm of enemies like in the classic co-op shooter Left 4 Dead so many years ago.

But Earthfall isn’t a just remake. We applied that old-school feel to the modern-era shooter with aim down sights and recoil, and then added new tactical gameplay with portable barricades, auto-turrets, and 3D-printed weapons. The result is Earthfall, where you and three friends team up to battle aliens and keep humanity alive.

To help you survive this battle, we have field reports from the human resistance on some of the aliens you will encounter in Earthfall:

Drones will throw themselves at you wave after wave. But they come in multiple flavors to mix things up. Light Drones go down fast while Heavy Drones will take a few more rounds to the chest. Ranged Drones will lob gooey slime at you from a distance. You’ll have to change up your firing patterns and battle tactics to deal with each of these guys.

Sappers are walking gasbags, full of toxic vapor. If you pop them up close, get ready to choke! You want to take these guys out at range, or shove them if they’re nearby and then pop ’em. For a clean kill, burn them with fire and the vapor won’t hang around to poison you.


Big, bad and ugly, the Beast is a wrecking ball on two legs. Up close it’s devastating with claws and jaws, but at range it can spew a toxic plasma ball that can seriously harsh your mellow. This thing is enormous so it’s easy to shoot, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to take out. You’ll need teamwork to handle this bad boy.

There’s a lot more aliens you can meet and make friends with… just kidding, they want to eat your face. But now you know some of what you’re up against, and maybe you and your friends can stay alive a little longer. And you can all help fight the alien invasion starting tomorrow when Earthfall launches on PS4!

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