Full Cross-Platform Play Now Live in Rocket League

With special thanks to all of our friends and colleagues at PlayStation, we are thrilled to announce that starting right now, Rocket League has entered the PlayStation Cross-Play Beta program! Players on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Steam PC can now randomly matchmake with or against each other in all Online match types…

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Vane Lands on PS4 Tomorrow

A desert stretches before you, vast and mysterious. You’re a black bird, perched on a branch, swaying in the gentle breeze. The lands before you roll outward, and here and there old ruins jut out from the sand, signs of some previous habitation. You take wing, and soar across the land in search of the…

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PlayStation Blogcast 316: Back in the Rhythm

Email us at blogcast@sony.com! Subscribe via iTunes, Spotify, Google or RSS, or download here Welcome back! How was your holiday? This week, we talk the top downloads of 2018, games we played over the break, the excellent Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and more. Enjoy! Stuff We Talked About Our holiday break gaming Rhythm games Astro…

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