PlayStation.Blog: New and Improved for 2019

Greetings! More than 11 years after its initial launch, it’s time to level up PlayStation.Blog once again.

We’ve been working on some assorted UX tweaks for the past few months, and over the next day or two, we’re excited to begin rolling them out for you.

We had a few broad goals for the new-and-improved () PlayStation.Blog:

  • A streamlined look and feel
  • A simpler, more pleasant user interface
  • Improved mobile/tablet functionality
  • Improved discoverability for new and recent articles, as well as new videos

There are a number of other tweaks and refinements. But we didn’t want to change what makes PlayStation.Blog great: you’ll still see all the great announcements, developer updates, and peeks behind our playful curtains that you’ve come to expect.

That said, please pardon our dust while we roll out the new updates — you may notice things that don’t behave quite as expected as we transition everything over. If you notice any issues or have requests for new features you’d like to see us implement (Blog-specific requests only, please!) leave them in the comments here — unless the comments are acting up. And in that case, send us a smoke signal or something. We’ll be watching!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. PlayStation.Blog is something the whole team here is proud of, and we consider it a privilege to be able to keep bringing you updates on the games you (and we) love so much.

Now then, back to the news!

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