Editors’ Choice: Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout takes the crown

60 players. 24 levels. 5 rounds. 1 crown.

Without a doubt, our entire global team has been enraptured by the zany and frenetic energy of battle royale platformer Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. Whether we’re bouncing through the colorfully inventive levels or facing the absurdity of being defeated by someone in a hot dog costume, we’ve all been jumping in round after round to grasp at glory, no matter how many tails we have to steal to get it. Even more impressive is how despite our varying tastes, different members of our team have their own reasons for gifting Fall Guys the Editors’ Choice crown. Here’s a taste of why we can’t stop playing:

Shuhei Yoshida

Favorite Level: Slime Climb

Slime Climb has been known as “The most difficult level in Fall Guys,” I, for one, fell to the goo pit repeatedly when the game came out. However, once you get the hang of each leg of the climb, this becomes a joy to play. The chances are many players will drop off, leading you to the final round glory faster. Just be aware you may eventually meet a devious Guy that may stand on the yellow pipe to block your path or try to push you down at the end of the level. It’s awful, but it is a legit play.

Hardest Level: Hex-A-Gone

I cannot jump one hex at a time. I cannot jump one hex at a time. I cannot jump one hex at a time! However many times I tried, I just cannot. I’m too old for the concentration needed to execute rhythmic, beautiful jumps that many good players show me off. So my strategy is to RUN, RUN, RUN the hexes near the “one hex at a time jumpers” so they will lose hexes to jump on! Amazingly, this seemingly desperate strategy has worked many times, even making some observers say “the jumpers are timid players of this level.” As a result I’ve got the name “The Hope of Runners.” Very proud of it.

Kristen Zitani

Favorite Level: Door Dash

There’s something immensely satisfying about waddling your way to the front of the pack, choosing a door at random, and feeling it miraculously break down to let you pass. Weirdly even more amusing is when I am decidedly not at the front of the pack and jam myself through one of the discovered openings like a fish frantically swimming upstream. Some of this level is just left up to timing and chance but it never fails to make me laugh.

Hardest Level: Tail Tag

If one more person steals my tail, I’m going to scream! One day I will master the art of bobbing and weaving through the masses and keeping my furry appendage intact. Until then, I will continue to ride on my teammates’ coattails to victory in the Team version of this level.

Tim Turi

Favorite Level: Hex-A-Gone

Turns out king of the hill-style gameplay is way more tense when the hill is constantly disappearing. I’m no pro at Hex-A-Gone, but I love the tension of carefully navigating precarious platforms while keeping my head on a swivel for rivals. Similar to Shu, my early approach was sprinting around and hoping for the best. I definitely haven’t won as many matches as him, but I’ve enjoyed developing an intentional, almost meditative hop approach to Hex-A-Gone. The extra time to plan your next move (or controlled fall) is worth it. Find the zen among chaos.

Hardest Level: Egg Scramble

The team games of Fall Guys are the most frantic, and I struggle to find my role. The nonstop feeding frenzy of Egg Scramble epitomizes this, with throngs of players stumbling over each other to collect those precious orbs. I derive much joy ripping eggs from the grasp of other players like a ruthless parent at a Black Friday retail dash, but the match results are usually a crapshoot. Egg Scramble is pretty hard boiled for me.

Andy Yen

Favorite Level: Hex-A-Gone

I love Hex-A-Gone because it encapsulates the Fall Guys experience into one sweaty-palms inducing level, balancing skillful play with randomness. Like Shu, I refuse to jump one hex at a time, but my reasoning is because jumping on one hex at a time is just. Too. Boring. I love running quick, aggressive routes that cut my fellow Fall Guys off from paths, especially those gingerly hopping onto each block (Sorry, Tim!). Nothing gives me more of a rush than taking the inside hex lane in a foot race, making some daring sharp turn jump dives to reach safety while my opponents sadly tumble into the goo.

Hardest Level: Royal Fumble

Even though two of my crowns (not to brag) have come from some major POG highlights in the last seconds of Royal Fumble, I still find this level infuriatingly difficult. For the life of me, I still haven’t figured out how to consistently grab a tail in any game mode, while every one of my opponents is invariably a skilled tail thief. Add that to the uncommonly small number of contestants in this final showdown where I can’t coast on teammates’ coattails, and you’ve got my personal nemesis of a Fall Guys level.

Masayuki Sanada

Favorite Level:Hex-A-Gone

Hex-a-gone is a straightforward stage where the floor gradually disappears beneath you, so it’s really important for players to get their play tactics as well as movement technique on point.

Your adrenaline is sure to be pumping as it is the final round of the show. I noticed my hands gripped the controller tightly as tiles disappeared beneath my steps at an overwhelming pace. In the end, it’s all worth it — there’s no better feeling than becoming the sole survivor of this round!

Hardest Level:Tip Toe

On this level, space comes at a premium as the finish line gets closer and closer. You see, players must find a safe path through trial and error, keeping an eye out for tiles that fall away when stepped on. It’s no easy task to lead the pack and avoid getting pushed off by opponents at the same time. There is no greater heartbreak than getting in sight of the finish line, only to be pushed off at the last second.

When I played the level, I summoned my courage and broke ahead of the group, forging my own path ahead – something I’m very proud of. This of course, often resulted in me falling and returning to the start line. I always had company though, rejoining all the other jellybeans standing in shock of how to navigate this tricky round.

Aoi Ogasawara

Favorite Level: Hex-A-Gone

Hex-A-Gone is a perfect mix of skill-based strategic gameplay and chaotic fun. You can drop to the lower layers first and erase many tiles to set up “traps” for other players. Or, you can try to stay at the higher layers as long as possible with some well-timed skillful hopping. You can run towards other players to pressure them, or, you can try avoiding contacts as much as possible. There are so many great strategies you can choose from and whatever playstyle you chose, you will have so much fun!

Hardest Level: Hoarders

I was never good at football when I was a kid so naturally all the minigames that require you push around huge soccer balls are going to be difficult for me… So why is Hoarders the most difficult one out of the three ball-based minigames (Hoarders, Rock n’ Roll, and Fall Ball)? Well, it is simple math. The more balls there are in the stage, the harder the minigame. Rock n’ Roll has three, Fall Ball has two, and Hoarders has a whopping SEVEN balls in the stage!

Chaz Conopo

Favorite Level: Dizzy Heights
It is simple and effective. Run across the platforms that are spinning, dodge the oncoming spheres and simply not forget there is a gap to jump across near the end. A proper race to the finish challenge that every time it comes around something dramatic always happens. Newest tactic I’ve found is when you are climbing the hill near the end, grabbing the opponent in front to the point they will fling away from you, if the timing is just right they will collide with a ball and get knocked all the way down again. Sorry….. not sorry, the victory is all mine and it feels good.

Hardest Level: Fall Ball
Get the ball into the goal. Ok it sounds easy, BUT it definitely ranks up the frustration meter when you are up against what seems to be the best football players on the pitch literally jumping up for the ball and knocking it into the direction of your team’s area as soon as the game starts. What is this magic?! I’m a tiny bean compared to the ball I’m trying to direct in a particular way towards the opponent’s goal, dodging, diving and shouting unplesantries at the TV screen. Before long my team is down by 5 points and all I can do now as a last resort is entertain the crowd by using the chicken emote in the middle of the field. Do I get bonus points for that? Sad face.

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