Pokémon “Toy Fad” Had A Negative Impact On Warhammer Maker Games Workshop

“Pokémon had hit our UK business quite hard”.

If there are two brands in the world you’d assume would never be in direct competition with one another, it’s Pokémon and Warhammer.

The former is a franchise about collecting and battling with a host of cute monsters, while the other is a series of D&D-style fantasy tabletop games which feature complex rules and DIY figures.

Read the full article on timeextension.com

“Pokémon had hit our UK business quite hard”.

If there are two brands in the world you’d assume would never be in direct competition with one another, it’s Pokémon and Warhammer.

The former is a franchise about collecting and battling with a host of cute monsters, while the other is a series of D&D-style fantasy tabletop games which feature complex rules and DIY figures.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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