Review: Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure Of Dai – A Dismal Adaptation Of An Excellent Anime

The jump hasn’t been smooth.

The Dragon Quest series is no stranger to spin-off titles, but few are as confusing as Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai. This action RPG is based on an anime adaptation of a manga based on the world of Dragon Quest, but it is never clear who the game is designed to appeal to. The few things it does well are buried under an avalanche of unengaging cutscenes that go on too long and simply don’t do the story they’re telling justice.

That isn’t to say that there aren’t some glimmers of hope hidden in this game’s runtime. The combat, for example, is competently designed if unimaginative in its implementation; characters have a basic attack, plus a selection of powers that they can unleash to deal more damage or to heal their allies. It is a system that has been used countless times before because it works well, letting you feel powerful as you wade through waves of enemies on the battlefield.

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