Review: 9 Years Of Shadows – Unique Ideas Elevate This Scrappy Metroidvania

Dark crystals.

The hallowed Metroidvania has gone from an original, curiously enticing one-off concept, to a highly consumable once-monthly product fit for devouring at speed. If you’re now, as we are, extremely seasoned in the format pioneered by Symphony of the Night in 1997, you’ll likely rip through 9 Years of Shadows like a ’46 Ford through a DeLorean. Ergo, like tinfoil.

Developed by Mexican indie outfit Halberd Studios, it would, in our opinion, have made better literary sense to be dubbed ‘9 Years of Shadow’ – but then we’re hopeless grammar Nazis because, it’s like, our job ‘n’ stuff. The story goes that a realm has been afflicted by a nine-year plague and, with it, the colour sapped from the land. Europa, the female protagonist, has watched friend and family pass to a sinister sickness while she somehow stands immune. She then decides to grab a weapon, don some armour, and head into an evil castle to destroy the core, as it were.

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