Got GoldenEye, bagged Banjo, and JFG’s incoming – dare we dream of more?
Update: Well, there’s a turn-up for the books. Nintendo has announced that Jet Force Gemini is coming to the Switch Online Expansion Pack in December. We’ve got to say, of all Rare’s N64 games, we didn’t fancy this one’s chances — as you’ll see below — but we’re very happy Switch gamers will be able to access this particular gem.
In honour of the news, we’re republishing this article from earlier in the year as a reminder of Rare’s remaining N64 jewels that could, potentially, still come to NSO. If you didn’t vote in the poll back in January, it’s still functioning at the bottom of the page, so feel free to join in — and congratulations to the 5% of Jet Force Gemini lovers out there!
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