Review: The Walking Dead: Destinies (Switch) – One Of The Worst Games Of The Year

Integrity Gone Bye.

There’s a moment during a particularly grueling fourth-season episode of The Walking Dead in which our protagonist, Rick Grimes, is appealing to the humanity of a man holding a samurai sword against a kind, gentle farmer’s throat. Getting more desperate by the second, he says “We can still come back, we’re not too far gone.” We mention this because it seems plausible that a few despairing developers at Brazilian studio Flux Games (Cobra Kai 2: Dojos Rising, Get Over Here) might have said something similar to publisher GameMill before submitting The Walking Dead: Destinies for certification. Unfortunately, the final result is, without question, not only a bad game but comfortably one of the worst premium-priced experiences on Switch.

So what’s it all about then? Well, The Walking Dead: Destinies basically takes the main story beats from the first four seasons of the TV show (well, three and a half — it ends after the ‘Woodbury’ plotline), letting you take on the roles of key characters like Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Carol Peletier, Beth Greene, and more. The main twist is that you are periodically presented with choices which may significantly alter the canon plot, usually by swapping someone who had originally checked out in the TV show with a completely different character.

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