Talking Point: Would You Like To See More Streaming Media Apps On ‘Switch 2’?

Jack of all trades.

One of the Switch’s greatest strengths is that it knows exactly what it is. You’ve got a small handful of streaming apps, sure, but there’s no denying that Nintendo Switch is a game console, through and through. Could its eventual successor be more, though?

Back in 2013 when Microsoft revealed the Xbox One, the company was widely ridiculed for its focus on delivering an ‘all in one’ device; a console that could not only play the latest games, but could stream movies, broadcast live TV, and let you control everything with gestures or your voice. Microsoft’s desire for an always-online Xbox One to be the only piece of tech you’ll ever need in your living room didn’t sit well with gamers, not least because games seemed to be an afterthought, with the firm more concerned about ensuring you were connected to its entertainment ecosystem at all times. 10 years on, however, the landscape for gaming and other media is somewhat different. While Microsoft undoubtedly botched the messaging a decade ago, was it really such a bad idea?

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