Feature: “It Became Almost Like A Cult” – The Untold Story Behind Rockstar’s Iconic Logo

“We were so low-budget, which is funny to think about now”.

Correction: the original article mentioned Rockabilly as an influence on the logo’s distinctive yellow background. Scott has since clarified that she meant late 1960s/early 1970s rock music instead. We’ve updated the article to reflect this.

The Rockstar logo is one of the most recognizable in all of gaming, being associated with moneymaking behemoths like Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2. But have you ever stopped and wondered who originally designed this iconic logo to begin with? Or how the Rockstar brand was initially created? Well, that’s what we recently tried to find out. Over the last couple of months, Time Extension reached out to various former employees to ask about the identity of the logo’s designer, but this proved harder than we initially thought, as no two sources seemed to agree on who made it.

Read the full article on timeextension.com

“We were so low-budget, which is funny to think about now”.

Correction: the original article mentioned Rockabilly as an influence on the logo’s distinctive yellow background. Scott has since clarified that she meant late 1960s/early 1970s rock music instead. We’ve updated the article to reflect this.

The Rockstar logo is one of the most recognizable in all of gaming, being associated with moneymaking behemoths like Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2. But have you ever stopped and wondered who originally designed this iconic logo to begin with? Or how the Rockstar brand was initially created? Well, that’s what we recently tried to find out. Over the last couple of months, Time Extension reached out to various former employees to ask about the identity of the logo’s designer, but this proved harder than we initially thought, as no two sources seemed to agree on who made it.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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