Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?

Location, location, location.

We can all agree that retro games have the ability to transport us to a different time. For some, titles like Tetris, Street Fighter II, Sonic and Super Mario have strong links to a particular moment in their formative years; perhaps they rekindle memories of playing with friends after school or long trips in the family car with nothing but a Game Boy for company.

However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that certain games are not only inexorably linked with a specific time in my life, but also a place. Just as a song might make you recall where you first heard it, is it possible that a video game can – in certain circumstances – also provide a link to a physical location as well as a moment in time?

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Location, location, location.

We can all agree that retro games have the ability to transport us to a different time. For some, titles like Tetris, Street Fighter II, Sonic and Super Mario have strong links to a particular moment in their formative years; perhaps they rekindle memories of playing with friends after school or long trips in the family car with nothing but a Game Boy for company.

However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that certain games are not only inexorably linked with a specific time in my life, but also a place. Just as a song might make you recall where you first heard it, is it possible that a video game can – in certain circumstances – also provide a link to a physical location as well as a moment in time?

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