AI in big budget games is inevitable, say dev vets from Assassin’s Creed and Everquest 2: ‘Developers hate it … the money is still going to drive absolutely everybody to do it’

AI’s a thorny subject, to say the least. The big issue with technology is that it advances in waves. There’ll be a very long time where it feels like nothing’s changing much at all, and then suddenly we’re all saddled with something new to irreversibly change our lives. The trouble with these sudden ramps is…

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Blizzard just casually gave players the key to one of WoW’s classic dungeons—the original four-wing Scarlet Monastery—in a halloween event

World of Warcraft’s shaken up its dungeons a lot over the years. One such victim to the wheels of time is the Scarlet Monastery. This dungeon (or these dungeons, I should say, each is their own separate instance) consists of the Armory, the Library, the Cathedral, and the Graveyard.  In patch 5.0.4, these dungeons got…

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