Sony CEO Drums Up Hype For Nintendo’s Zelda Movie

Action AND discovery? In this economy?

Whether you agree with the form or not, a live-action Zelda movie is in the works at Nintendo. What’s more, it’s being produced by none other than Sony Pictures. Yes, Sony. The PlayStation guys. Nintendo was the first to mention the project’s existence, but now it’s the time for the co-producers to drum up some hype and Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida is doing exactly that. Well, kind of.

At yesterday’s Sony CES 2024 press conference, Yoshida gave a rundown of all of the film and TV projects that the company’s Pictures arm is currently handling, which meant that Zelda had to get a shoutout. And a shoutout it got. Yes, according to the Sony CEO, The Legend of Zelda movie will deliver — are you ready for this? — “an amazing tale of adventure and discovery.” Try to contain your surprise as you lift your jaw up from the floor.

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