Talking Point: Do You Want To See Colourful Cartridges Return For ‘Switch 2’?

A bright future.

The gaming industry is going digital. Chants of “it’s easy,” “it uses less plastic,” and “it’s cheaper… sometimes,” fill the streets and, after dark, tempting eShop sales let out their siren song to pull in any weary traveller after a boxed copy with sweet calls of “Oooh, ahh, up to 80% off”.

The times may be a-changing, but within this (potentially) download-only future, there sits a brave group of stewards who wish for a simpler time. A time when games came in boxes and were bought from stores. A time when all of those boxes contained a cartridge and on that cartridge was a full game. A time when those cartridges were made of brightly coloured plastic and looked even more edible than they do now.

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