Random: Skipping Zelda: TOTK’s Great Sky Island Tutorial Is Possible, With The Right Glitches

Scratch that glitch.

A game as massive as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was always going to have a couple of bugs just waiting to be found by the glitch hunters out there. Since its launch, we have seen players discover ways of getting infinite items, fire immunity, even one-hit weapons, but none have felt quite as personal as this — skipping the game’s introductory area.

Let’s not forget, Breath of the Wild‘s Great Plateau was such a sticking point for the glitching community back in the day, with the possibility of skipping it becoming the holy grail of all discoveries. The answer is still yet to be found, so it’s natural that certain players would take to the TOTK equivalent, The Great Sky Islands, with the same level of skippable optimism.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com


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