Obscure PS1 Platformer ‘Spider’ Gets Remastered Soundtrack Release

Composer Barry Leitch has revisited his 1997 OST.

Back in 1997, the original publisher of Grand Theft Auto BMG Interactive released Spider: The Video Game — Boss Game Studios’ bizarre PS1 platformer about a scientist who has accidentally had his mind transplanted into the body of a cybernetic spider.

Despite the odd premise, it did okay at the time (shifting over 200,000 copies and generating some decent reviews from places like GamePro and GameFan) making it a bit of an interesting oddity for those who want to dive a little deeper into the PS1 library. Among its better features were its clever level design and atmospheric soundtrack — the latter of which was the work of the prolific Scottish game composer Barry Leitch.

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Composer Barry Leitch has revisited his 1997 OST.

Back in 1997, the original publisher of Grand Theft Auto BMG Interactive released Spider: The Video Game — Boss Game Studios’ bizarre PS1 platformer about a scientist who has accidentally had his mind transplanted into the body of a cybernetic spider.

Despite the odd premise, it did okay at the time (shifting over 200,000 copies and generating some decent reviews from places like GamePro and GameFan) making it a bit of an interesting oddity for those who want to dive a little deeper into the PS1 library. Among its better features were its clever level design and atmospheric soundtrack — the latter of which was the work of the prolific Scottish game composer Barry Leitch.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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