Gallery: Retro-Bit’s Assault Suits Valken Looks (And Sounds) Great

It’s all about the sound effect keyring.

Assault Suits Valken (or Cybernator, as you might know it) was a jaw-dropping experience back in the ’90s.

Here was a game which successfully communicated the feeling of what it must be like to control a huge, hulking robot; instead of dashing around the screen at high speed, you had to deal with the mech’s considerable inertia and weight as you navigated each gorgeous-looking level.

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It’s all about the sound effect keyring.

Assault Suits Valken (or Cybernator, as you might know it) was a jaw-dropping experience back in the ’90s.

Here was a game which successfully communicated the feeling of what it must be like to control a huge, hulking robot; instead of dashing around the screen at high speed, you had to deal with the mech’s considerable inertia and weight as you navigated each gorgeous-looking level.

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