You Can Now Play Doom On The Retro Console In Persona 5

Thanks to the DOOMSona PC Mod!

One of the creative endeavours that never fails to bring a smile to our faces is the time-honoured tradition of people porting the classic 1993 first-person shooter Doom to every device under the sun. So when we saw (via gbatemp) that someone had managed to “port” the game to the retro machine in Persona 5: Royal Edition for the PC in a new mod, we knew we had to share the news.

As many of you will no doubt know, in Persona 5, it is possible to buy a retro games console for Joker’s bedroom from the second-hand shop in Yongen-Jaya, which will let you play a range of retro-inspired games (like the humorously-named Punch-Ouch) to gain points towards a social stat. What this Persona 5 mod essentially does, therefore, is make it so that you can also purchase and play various Doom-related games on the console, with the activity giving you the occasional useful item or stat boost, alongside some brand-new dialogue from Morgana.

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Thanks to the DOOMSona PC Mod!

One of the creative endeavours that never fails to bring a smile to our faces is the time-honoured tradition of people porting the classic 1993 first-person shooter Doom to every device under the sun. So when we saw (via gbatemp) that someone had managed to “port” the game to the retro machine in Persona 5: Royal Edition for the PC in a new mod, we knew we had to share the news.

As many of you will no doubt know, in Persona 5, it is possible to buy a retro games console for Joker’s bedroom from the second-hand shop in Yongen-Jaya, which will let you play a range of retro-inspired games (like the humorously-named Punch-Ouch) to gain points towards a social stat. What this Persona 5 mod essentially does, therefore, is make it so that you can also purchase and play various Doom-related games on the console, with the activity giving you the occasional useful item or stat boost, alongside some brand-new dialogue from Morgana.

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