Five PS1 Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev Thoughts: “It was one of those ‘quirky’…

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Five PS1 Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev Thoughts: “It was one of those ‘quirky’…

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Five PS1 Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev Thoughts: “It was one of those ‘quirky’…

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Five PS1 Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev Thoughts: “It was one of those ‘quirky’…

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Five PS1 Games That Were Ahead of Their Time

Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev Thoughts: “It was one of those ‘quirky’…

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