
“I Wanted It On PlayStation… They Signed To Saturn” – Ex-Sony Boss Reveals Tomb Raider “Jealousy”

“What could I have done to have actually gotten it?”.

With PlayStation’s 30th anniversary celebrations in full swing, Sony has been encouraging fans to think back to their formative experiences with the iconic PS1 console, and, as you might expect, Tomb Raider has cropped up in that conversation.

Lara Croft’s debut found most of its audience on the 32-bit console and eventually hosted four instalments in the series – however, it’s often forgotten that Tomb Raider technically began life on Sega’s Saturn, not PlayStation.

Read the full article on timeextension.com

“What could I have done to have actually gotten it?”.

With PlayStation’s 30th anniversary celebrations in full swing, Sony has been encouraging fans to think back to their formative experiences with the iconic PS1 console, and, as you might expect, Tomb Raider has cropped up in that conversation.

Lara Croft’s debut found most of its audience on the 32-bit console and eventually hosted four instalments in the series – however, it’s often forgotten that Tomb Raider technically began life on Sega’s Saturn, not PlayStation.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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