Enter a world of shadows where nothing is sacred and no one is trustworthy, where anything not bolted down is a treasure or a threat, and where only the clever survive. Welcome to Thick As Thieves, coming to PS5 in 2026.

Hello from the team at Otherside Entertainment! Thick As Thieves is a multiplayer stealth-action game inspired by immersive classics like Thief and Deus Ex. Our studio founders Warren Spector and Paul Neurath established the genre making these games we grew up with. We adore the feeling of being a master thief, lurking in the shadows, and exploring the living worlds of these games. But, we also want to explore these worlds together. So, we began Thick As Thieves with this captivating idea of “thief vs. thief” where you weren’t just stealing from rich lords, but against other players in high-stakes, high-tension stealth duels.
You take on the role of a master thief engaged on perilous missions to steal wealth, earn prestige, and escape with your skin intact. You are an agent of the Thieves Guild, a shady criminal order that outfits you, sanctions your runs, and bails you out if you get caught. Every night you step out onto the rooftops with a mission, a plan, and a fiendish bag of tricks. Are you going to be the ace performer, stealing the big treasure and climbing the Guild ladder? Are you going to be the opportunist, filling your pockets with gems and jewels while your rivals tear each other apart? Or have you got a deeper motive that pulls you into the shadows, following the clues to reveal your story?
Your thief’s way is always personal: which tools you select and how you tune them, whether you prefer to go in from above or below, loud or quiet, with a song or with a fist, every thief’s approach can be unique. As you complete runs and earn cash and prestige, you grow your thief’s abilities and their career. Gain access to new gear and abilities, then customize them to your tastes. Try a new loadout each time, tailoring your approach to the challenges you expect to face. Mastery of a wide range of stealthy skills is critical to success as mission variation and emergence mean every run is a fresh challenge.
Your arena is the dirty, decadent city of Ordene – brimming with gold for the taking. It’s an ancient metropolis at the dawn of the 20th century in a world where magic is real, industry is booming, society is restless, and everyone is looking out for themselves. Danger and opportunity lie around every corner, and only the cunning can find a way through the hazards to score the big prize. You’ll meet a cast of curious characters from corrupt nobles to shrewd commoners to mysterious vagrants who might not be fully human. Many are dangerous only if they give you away, but some are on the Guild’s payroll and can aid you in your endeavors … for a price.
Guards patrol the streets and the halls of the rich and powerful, and they won’t hesitate to attack if they catch you on their turf. Security is always tight and often supernatural – a guard can be put down, but an electric trap or enchanted eye never sleeps. You’ll need plenty of skill and good tools, but above all you’ll need caution and careful observation. Search for clues on what to steal and where to find it. Learn the weak points in enemy patrols, the windows left unlocked, the shadows and hiding places. Speed is important, but knowledge is vital.
Your rivals are other master thieves, each with their own particular traits and tactics. The Guild doesn’t mind if you get in each other’s way – violently, even – as long as someone brings home the goods. This above all is the heart of Thick As Thieves – the most intense game of Hide and Seek you’ve ever played. A clever thief can defeat guards, disarm traps, bypass locks, and lay their hands on the golden idol only to hear padded footsteps behind them and the hiss of a gas grenade signaling their unfortunate end as another thief steals their haul.
If you’re able to outwit your rivals and fool the guards, then all that precious treasure is yours for the taking. Fill your pockets with as many gems and trinkets as you can carry. But even if you’re knocked out or just come home with empty pockets, there’s always another heist to be had. Every night is your chance to prove that you’re the greatest thief in town when Thick As Thieves launches in 2026 on PS5.