All Genshin Impact codes from the 4.4 livestream

The Genshin Impact 4.4 livestream is the latest special program detailing what Travelers can expect to get up to in the coming update. If you’re a regular Genshin player, these streams are usually worth tuning into since they provide info on events and upcoming characters. More importantly, they drop livestream codes you can redeem for…

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Laptop makers just aren’t interested in discrete Radeon GPUs and I really want AMD to do something about that, even though it won’t

Nick Evanson, Hardware writer (Image credit: Nicholas Evanson) This month I’ve been testing: A small mountain of ergonomic keyboards. Some aren’t especially ergo at all, whereas others sit in a specialised niche all to themselves. I really love the weird and wonderful ones, even if it does feel like learning how to type all over…

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How to get Ancient Civilization Parts in Palworld

Tracking down Ancient Civilization Parts in Palworld is a key step in constructing fancy Ancient Tech like the Egg Incubator in your base. You’ve probably just defeated Zoe and Grizzbolt at the Rayne Syndicate Tower—your first proper boss—but despite them giving you Ancient Technology Points, you’ve realised that you also need to find Ancient Civilization…

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