Community-voted tier sets are coming to WoW: Dragonflight, letting players decide the mix-and-matched bonuses and style for its Season 4 wind-down

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight won’t be getting a fourth raid—which is something we’ve known for a while, as per an interview with game director Ion Hazzikostas. It will however still receive a fourth season with Fated Raids, alongside a recycled tier list the community can vote on as Blizzard revealed yesterday. “We’re going to try…

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League of Legends forced to immediately redesign its new dragon champ after fans point out its alarming similarity to an actual human child

You know how it goes: sometimes you aim for Spyro and land on Boss Baby. At least, that’s how I assume Riot arrived at the initial design for Smolder, League of Legends’ newest champion. Announced last week, Smolder is an “audacious dragon cutie” whose design was intended to evoke a kind of mascot-ish, Pixar/Dreamworks-style cuteness…

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A Fan-Made ‘Saturn Mini’ Could Be On The Horizon

“Maybe it’s time for a SAROO mini-Saturn system!”. Sega’s made some pretty positive steps in the world of micro consoles, releasing two versions of its Mega Drive / Genesis system in miniaturized form. It recently asked fans which classic Sega console they wanted to see get the same treatment next, and the 32-bit Saturn came…

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