Horror classic Clock Tower’s Windows 95 port jabbed a giant pair of scissors through my rose-tinted glasses

Pasokon Retro is our regular look back at the early years of Japanese PC gaming, encompassing everything from specialist ’80s computers to the happy days of Windows XP. Developer: Human Entertainment Released: 1997 Platforms: Windows 95 (Image credit: Human Entertainment, Internet Archive) What was the best format to play Clock Tower, a suspenseful point-and-click adventure…

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OpenAI claims Elon Musk ‘demanded absolute control, and to be CEO’ while also agreeing to ditch its non-profit status back in 2017, despite him now suing it for turning decidedly for-profit

The complex history between OpenAI and Elon Musk, former co-chair of said AI company, has taken an unexpected turn. The creator of ChatGPT has published a series of messages and emails that suggest Musk wanted the company to abandon its non-profit roots and go full-sail for-profit, the very thing that he is now suing OpenAI…

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