Modder Gets Half-Life Deathmatch & Counter-Strike Working Online On A Sega Dreamcast

Thanks to a new Dreamcast port of the Half-Life compatible Xash3D engine.

A modder has successfully managed to get online matches of Half-Life: Deathmatch & Counter-Strike working on the Sega Dreamcast, despite the games never officially being released for the classic console.

This news came to our attention recently thanks to the Dreamcast developer Falco Girgis and is reportedly the work of a Russian developer named maximqad, who is currently developing a port of the Half-Life-compatible engine Xash3D for the decades-old machine. This is a project that will reportedly open the door for a pool of games to be brought over to the Sega Dreamcast, provided the assets and other data can be made to fit into the console’s available RAM.

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Thanks to a new Dreamcast port of the Half-Life compatible Xash3D engine.

A modder has successfully managed to get online matches of Half-Life: Deathmatch & Counter-Strike working on the Sega Dreamcast, despite the games never officially being released for the classic console.

This news came to our attention recently thanks to the Dreamcast developer Falco Girgis and is reportedly the work of a Russian developer named maximqad, who is currently developing a port of the Half-Life-compatible engine Xash3D for the decades-old machine. This is a project that will reportedly open the door for a pool of games to be brought over to the Sega Dreamcast, provided the assets and other data can be made to fit into the console’s available RAM.

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