Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?

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Given that arcade games have become something of a footnote in the world of video games, it’s easy to forget that once upon a time, they were at the forefront of the entire industry.

Running on the most powerful hardware and attracting the cream of development talent, coin-op titles were instrumental in establishing some of video gaming’s most popular genres – and they were also vital tools when it came to selling home systems, as a successful arcade title was bound to generate interest if it could be played in the comfort of your living room.

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Given that arcade games have become something of a footnote in the world of video games, it’s easy to forget that once upon a time, they were at the forefront of the entire industry.

Running on the most powerful hardware and attracting the cream of development talent, coin-op titles were instrumental in establishing some of video gaming’s most popular genres – and they were also vital tools when it came to selling home systems, as a successful arcade title was bound to generate interest if it could be played in the comfort of your living room.

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