Created by Matt Sephton (aka Gingerbeardman).
A new Micro Machines-esque multiplayer party game has just been released for the Sega Dreamcast (h/t: the Sega Guru).
Dream Ride is the creation of the indie developer Matt Septhon (who previously developed Playdate titles such as Circular, Sparrow Solitaire, YOYOZO, and Bender) and was built for the recent Dream Disc 24 game jam (that took place between December 20th and January 3rd).
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Created by Matt Sephton (aka Gingerbeardman).
A new Micro Machines-esque multiplayer party game has just been released for the Sega Dreamcast (h/t: the Sega Guru).
Dream Ride is the creation of the indie developer Matt Septhon (who previously developed Playdate titles such as Circular, Sparrow Solitaire, YOYOZO, and Bender) and was built for the recent Dream Disc 24 game jam (that took place between December 20th and January 3rd).
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