Random: This Fun New Video Shows What A Game Boy Color Port Of Shadow Of The Beast Could Look Like

Shadow of the Beast was released on the Amiga back in 1989.

Whenever people go to the effort of naming the best-looking Amiga titles, Shadow of the Beast is usually never far from the top of the list.

Developed by Reflections and published by Psygnosis, the sidescrolling action game stunned players back when it was first released in 1989, thanks to its colourful visuals, high framerate, and 12 levels of parallax scrolling. It went on to sell a ton of copies, becoming a major hit for the platform, and later unsurprisingly led to several ports for other machines, including the often-criticized Atari ST port and a version of the Atari Lynx handheld. However, one machine that never ended up getting its own version of the game was the Game Boy Color.

Read the full article on timeextension.com

Shadow of the Beast was released on the Amiga back in 1989.

Whenever people go to the effort of naming the best-looking Amiga titles, Shadow of the Beast is usually never far from the top of the list.

Developed by Reflections and published by Psygnosis, the sidescrolling action game stunned players back when it was first released in 1989, thanks to its colourful visuals, high framerate, and 12 levels of parallax scrolling. It went on to sell a ton of copies, becoming a major hit for the platform, and later unsurprisingly led to several ports for other machines, including the often-criticized Atari ST port and a version of the Atari Lynx handheld. However, one machine that never ended up getting its own version of the game was the Game Boy Color.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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