Mario Speedrunner Figures Out A Way To Beat Donkey Kong’s Famous Kill Screen

Though it likely it won’t happen for real unless you’re superhuman.

The Mario speedrunner Kosmic has recently published a new video online in which he claims to have successfully found a way to beat the famous Donkey Kong “kill screen”.

If you’ve happened to spend a lot of time in the past watching competitive players of the 1981 Nintendo arcade game, you’ll probably already know that the 117th board on level 22 is considered by many to be the logical endpoint of the game. This is the stage at which even high-level players claim to be unable to beat the game, with the timer being limited to just 4 seconds — an amount of time that is considered far too short to reach Pauline waiting at the top of the screen.

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Though it likely it won’t happen for real unless you’re superhuman.

The Mario speedrunner Kosmic has recently published a new video online in which he claims to have successfully found a way to beat the famous Donkey Kong “kill screen”.

If you’ve happened to spend a lot of time in the past watching competitive players of the 1981 Nintendo arcade game, you’ll probably already know that the 117th board on level 22 is considered by many to be the logical endpoint of the game. This is the stage at which even high-level players claim to be unable to beat the game, with the timer being limited to just 4 seconds — an amount of time that is considered far too short to reach Pauline waiting at the top of the screen.

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