Civilization VII is almost here: Hear the big changes the developers have in store

It may have felt like you’ve been waiting for ages, but the long wait is almost over: Civilization VII comes ashore on February 11, and the developers over at Firaxis Games have a lot in store for long-time fans and new players alike. In a new developer interview, they break down the many new additions they’ve made with Civilization VII, the many refinements they’ve made to the formula, and the classic gameplay they’ve carried forward into the new generation of civilization building.

From new leaders to run your civilizations and a new Ages system that removes mechanics as you progress your empire into the future while introducing new era-appropriate ones at the same time, Firaxis Games has revamped the formula of Civilization VII to keep the gameplay fresh from 4,000 BC right on into the space age. In the developer interview, you’ll get to hear about some of the new civilizations you can play as, the new mechanics — pirating treasure fleets, anyone? — you’ll encounter as you progress through the timeline, and the twists on old gameplay mechanics that will make this an exciting new entry into the franchise. So, dive into the video and feel free to get hyped for PC Gamer’s most wanted game because the wait ends tomorrow.


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