Astro Boy: Omega Factor Artist Tomoharu Saito Lost A Leg Due To Working On The Game

“Because of this work, he was delayed in going to the hospital”.

Astro Boy: Omega Factor is one of the highlights of the GBA catalogue and arguably shows Sega’s Hitmaker studio (which collaborated with Treasure on the game) at its finest.

However, working on the game came at a considerable cost for artist and designer Tomoharu Saito, who, it has been revealed, lost a leg during its production.

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“Because of this work, he was delayed in going to the hospital”.

Astro Boy: Omega Factor is one of the highlights of the GBA catalogue and arguably shows Sega’s Hitmaker studio (which collaborated with Treasure on the game) at its finest.

However, working on the game came at a considerable cost for artist and designer Tomoharu Saito, who, it has been revealed, lost a leg during its production.

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