Practical Pockets treasure map solution in Avowed

As far as Avowed’s hidden treasures go, the Practical Pockets treasure map is actually pretty simple if you take a second to read the quest description. This snack-loving Ranger stashed their favourite coat in Emerald Stair, though be prepared–it comes with a warning about crumbs and a cheesy stench. Not very pleasant, eh? Unfortunately, Rangers…

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How to make money fast in Avowed

Hey you, pssst, adventurer. Do you want to make a whole load of Skeyt in no time at all? Well, we’ve got news for you. In Avowed’s Living Lands, you can’t. Sorry. The world is going through a blight of the body and soul, you see, and the hard-struck citizens of Paradis, Fior Mes Iverno,…

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How to find and use lockpicks in Avowed

A fantasy RPG without lockpicking feels wrong, like a side-scrolling beat-em-up without roast chicken pickups or an immersive sim without vents. Fiddling around with locks to procure forbidden treasures is one of the little pleasures of a good open-world RPG, and Avowed is no exception. Obsidian’s shroomy RPG Avowed, which we really like here at…

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“This Cartridge Is A Tiny Time Bomb” – Limited Run Accused Of Selling Carts Which Can Damage Your NES

“So far, I’ve caught them doing it with Rugrats and PioPow”. Physical publisher Limited Run Games has been accused by one of its customers of selling NES cartridges which can potentially damage consoles. Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso got in touch with Time Extension to explain the situation, pointing out that Limited Run has been publishing carts…

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Painter’s Regret treasure map solution in Avowed

Emerald Stair’s treasure maps are oddly easier to pin down than those in Avowed’s starting region of Dawnshore, though its layered and dangerous environment more than makes up for it. The Painter’s Regret treasure map is no different, sending you to a calm, scenic spot outside Fior mes Iverno–right next to a band of Steel…

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A Fallout: New Vegas fan is so fed up waiting for a remake he’s decided to do it himself. The twist? He’s making it in the Sims 2

Just when you think the PC gaming modding community couldn’t get any more wonderfully weird, someone goes and announces a Fallout: New Vegas ‘remaster’ in the Sims 2. That’s right, a game which came out six years before Obsidian’s beloved RPG, and is designed to do entirely different things than take a golf club to…

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Should you accept or reject Sapadal’s power in Avowed?

During the Ancient Soil quest, it’s revealed that the voice in your head is none other than Sapadal–a massive long-forgotten god who’s kind of half-tree, half-building. It’s a lot to take in, especially as it doesn’t actually answer that many questions yet. Nevertheless, much like the choice to take the Voice’s power earlier in Avowed,…

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GameSir Cyclone 2 review

Perhaps my gamepad standards have become a little skewed by spending hours upon hours with the DualSense. Still, even as much as I love it, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not quite the best PC gaming controller out there—even if it is a doddle to set up. Just for one major thing,…

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Pyromancer’s Key location in Avowed

If you’re taking the time to explore Avowed’s first region of Dawnshore, you’ll be treated to heaps of loot alongside tons of cool secrets and quests. Unlike most of the other unique keys you’ll hunt for in the Living Lands, the Pyromancer’s Key is a bit of a trek from the chest you’re actually trying…

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Should you kill or spare Ygwulf in Avowed?

Thanks to that mysterious god in your head, Avowed presents you with the unprecedented RPG protagonist opportunity to solve your own assassination. Once you eventually track your assassin down though, he’s conveniently had a change of heart. This leaves you with the option to kill or spare Ygwulf, or force him to confess to the…

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