SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price

“Target price will be around 200 – 250 €”.

If you thought the SuperSega saga had finally come to a close, then you’re wrong.

Alejandro Martin is back, having seemingly admitted defeat in the face of legal action from Sega over the use of its name. A new revised “Supercónsola” is being proposed that will apparently ditch the expensive AMD Ultrascale+ FPGA chipset in favour of the cheaper alternative found in the MiSTer FPGA project.

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“Target price will be around 200 – 250 €”.

If you thought the SuperSega saga had finally come to a close, then you’re wrong.

Alejandro Martin is back, having seemingly admitted defeat in the face of legal action from Sega over the use of its name. A new revised “Supercónsola” is being proposed that will apparently ditch the expensive AMD Ultrascale+ FPGA chipset in favour of the cheaper alternative found in the MiSTer FPGA project.

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