This New Unofficial PC Port Of Sonic Unleashed Could Be The Best Version Of The Game Yet

A copy of the Xbox 360 game is required to play.

Fans have just released an unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Team’s Sonic Unleashed, which brings with it a ton of new features and improvements to modding and performance.

The project was put together by a large group of individuals from across the globe, including the co-creators Skyth and Sajid, and has been built through the process of statically recompiling the original Xbox 360 into a native executable for PC.

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A copy of the Xbox 360 game is required to play.

Fans have just released an unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Team’s Sonic Unleashed, which brings with it a ton of new features and improvements to modding and performance.

The project was put together by a large group of individuals from across the globe, including the co-creators Skyth and Sajid, and has been built through the process of statically recompiling the original Xbox 360 into a native executable for PC.

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