Head Over Heels To Get An Enhanced Remake From The Company Behind The Spectrum Next

Coming to Switch & PC later this year.

The beloved isometric platformer Head Over Heels is set to get a new enhanced version later this year for Nintendo Switch and PC, from the publisher SpecNext — the company behind the Spectrum Next.

First released in 1987 across various home computers, including the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64, Head Over Heels was a puzzle platformer created by the programmer Jon Ritman and artist Bernie Drummond and was published at the time by Ocean Software.

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Coming to Switch & PC later this year.

The beloved isometric platformer Head Over Heels is set to get a new enhanced version later this year for Nintendo Switch and PC, from the publisher SpecNext — the company behind the Spectrum Next.

First released in 1987 across various home computers, including the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64, Head Over Heels was a puzzle platformer created by the programmer Jon Ritman and artist Bernie Drummond and was published at the time by Ocean Software.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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