Suda51’s Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special gets a fan translation.
Goichi “Suda51” Suda might be famous today for titles like No More Heroes, Killer7 and Lollipop Chainsaw, but even at the dawn of his career, he was making waves in the industry.
He started off at Human Entertainment in the ’90s, working on the company’s popular Fire Pro Wrestling series. His second game, 1994’s Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special on the Super Famicom, is notable for its incredibly depressing story mode, which Suda wrote himself (he is also credited as director and designer on the game).
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Suda51’s Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special gets a fan translation.
Goichi “Suda51” Suda might be famous today for titles like No More Heroes, Killer7 and Lollipop Chainsaw, but even at the dawn of his career, he was making waves in the industry.
He started off at Human Entertainment in the ’90s, working on the company’s popular Fire Pro Wrestling series. His second game, 1994’s Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special on the Super Famicom, is notable for its incredibly depressing story mode, which Suda wrote himself (he is also credited as director and designer on the game).
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