UK Square Enix Staff Discover Cache Of Pristine Retro Games, Some Of Which Date Back 30 Years

The discovery was shared on LinkedIn.

Members of Square Enix recently made a remarkable discovery upon opening an old storage container at work that had been shut for close to 20 years: a cache of pristine, retro games that includes titles released for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, DOS computers, N-Gage, Nintendo Wii, and Amstrad CPC, among other platforms.

Lee Singleton, the head of studio at Square Enix External Studios revealed the discovery on LinkedIn, sharing a quick 30-second clip of the remarkable stash that had been uncovered from an off-site storage facility from “days of old”.

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The discovery was shared on LinkedIn.

Members of Square Enix recently made a remarkable discovery upon opening an old storage container at work that had been shut for close to 20 years: a cache of pristine, retro games that includes titles released for the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, DOS computers, N-Gage, Nintendo Wii, and Amstrad CPC, among other platforms.

Lee Singleton, the head of studio at Square Enix External Studios revealed the discovery on LinkedIn, sharing a quick 30-second clip of the remarkable stash that had been uncovered from an off-site storage facility from “days of old”.

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