Retro Review: Rollers of the Realm Review: RPG + Pinball= Awesomeness

You’re going to die more times than you can count in “Rollers of the Realm,” but that’s not going to stop you from playing, for hours.

Games that blend genres are beginning to pop up more often than even nowadays, as game creators have proven all they need is an inquisitive mind and good core gameplay, rather than expensive budgets.

But rare is a game that encapsulates what those genres are all about. With a top-notch pinball engine, a wonderful soundtrack, a fun story and even strategy to warrant a ton of gameplay, Atlus and Phantom Compass’ “Rollers of the Realm” is like a double dose of flashback.

Thought the side-scrolling platforming and RPG meld of “Child of Light” was cool? This is another step in that direction, with just as much of a cool factor.

Part old-school RPG, another part arcade pinball, “Rollers of the Realm” a rarity in today’s market that never ceases to engage. Although it’s difficulty curve is sometimes insane, it does a good job of making you feel you’re “Almost there,” and “if you just tried something else one more time,” you’d pass whatever level you’re stuck on. Because of this, it’s one of the best PlayStation Vita games you can play and a game that you’ll often turn to on the PlayStation 4- more often than you might think.

It’s scary though that many might not give the game a try based simply on what it is. Lets face it, those that dig pinball games are hard to find. Those who play RPGs enjoy a nicely-paced adventure that takes dozens of hours to complete. Creating an environment for both of these different types of gamers is pretty damn close to impossible, but thanks to a solid story and some of the best pinball action on the PlayStation 4, and Vita “Rollers of the Realm” is an absolute treat for the senses. It’s not often a game will remind you of your two favorite types of games, but that’s exactly what happens here.

Ever wanted to play a “Wild Arms” themed pinball game? This is so much more than that. With flippers that serve as health bars and enemies on-screen, this is so much more than your typical pinball experience. At times, it even feels more than some RPGs.

At its core, it’s a wonderful pinball game that will frustrate, annoy and simultaneously provide hours of wonder. Every level is a different table, with various levels and challenges hidden within. It’s unlike any other pinball game you’ll ever see. The level design bleeds tender, love and care. If you’re that kid who grew up stealing quarters from your parents to play the “Terminator” or “Empire Strikes Back” machines at your local laundromat, this is the game you’ve been waiting for.

If not, a sense of quirk is all you need. Dig “Katamari Damacy,” “LocoRoco” or any other game that is completely unique? You’ll find something to enjoy here.

Well thought out and polished, there are times you’ll feel like you’re playing an old-school RPG. All the story elements are there. The characters are cool-you’ll care about them, thanks to solid voice acting and a plot that doesn’t push the envelope, but keeps you on your toes. But in order to really thrive here, you’ll need more than a desire to push forward. You’ve got to have a little pinball master in your heart. Why? Because your pinballs are your only means of attack.

The small touches here really make for great gameplay. Each characters pinball looks different and has its own unique ability. Add in solid, but sometimes repetitive voice work and you have more than enough to strike up a bond with the gamer and keep them playing- even when the action gets near controller-throwing difficult.

If it sounds crazy, it absolutely is. But it works damn near perfect. If you’ve never played a pinball game on a console or have been soured by the array of shoddy free ones on the PlayStation 4, “Rollers of the Realm” is something different entirely.

Overall, it’s an experience you have to play for yourself. Addictive and casual and times and geeky chic at others, it’s cross-play ability adds even more playability to the table.

Simply put, it’s something you’ve got to play.

The Good:

Cool Story: while it appears to be a story of a girl and her dog, it quickly branches out into something much cooler. Add in a wide assortment of characters and solid voice acting and “Rollers of the Realm” will quickly hook you in.

Cross-Play: While the game plays great on the PlayStation 4, it’s even better on the PlayStation Vita. With the cross-play feature, one purchase equals a copy for both console, making sure you can take the game with you.

Deeper Gameplay Than You Think: The story get you emotionally connected, but the tough as nails pinball action is what keeps you there. You’re going to die a lot in this game, but it won’t stop you from playing. With plenty of unlockables and secrets, the fun can last for hours.

A Weird Genre-Bender We Don’t Understand, But Love: Is it a pinball game or a RPG? After a few hours, it’s still hard to tell, but it’s obvious that the gameplay is unlike anything we’ve ever seen and best of all, it works well.

Excellent Pinball Action: With enemies in-screen, obstacles, power-ups and off-the-wall multi-ball, “Rollers of the Realm” is the best pinball experience on the PlayStation 4 and Vita- even if it’s ultimately so much more.

Cool Abilities:From healing your party to summoning your dog friend or even increasing your attack, the abilities in “Rollers of the Realm” give the game the RPG feel it needs to make it something truly special.

Tons of Strategy: You cannot play this game like your typical pinball game and you can’t play it like an RPG either. Using your mind and senses simultaneously, it’ll test you in ways you never thought. Remember playing a FPS for the first time, that’s the type of experience this is. It’s like a whole new world. Simply put, it’s like reading a magazine, listening to your iPod and playing pinball, all at once.

The Bad:

Tough Learning Curve: You are going to die, a lot. There’s no other way around it. That will detract the fun from anyone who isn’t in it for the long haul.

Final Thoughts:

“Rollers of the Realm” won’t get the same attention as the bevy of big releases this holiday season, but the quirky little game that could is well worth your attention and time. Crafted by those who appreciate a great RPG and know great pinball, it’s a brand new genre that has plenty of room to grow.

The post Retro Review: Rollers of the Realm Review: RPG + Pinball= Awesomeness appeared first on Old School Gamer Magazine.
