You Can Now Stream Sega Saturn Games To Your Console Over WiFi

Thanks to the power of the Fenrir ODE.

It’s now possible to stream your Sega Saturn games from your PC to your console via WiFi using the Fenrir Optical Drive Emulator (ODE).

This new update—which was released early this month by Fenrir creator Ced and spotted by Sega Saturn Shiro—allows you to stream games from your computer’s hard drive directly to the Fenrir. This is something that’s unique to this particular ODE.

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Thanks to the power of the Fenrir ODE.

It’s now possible to stream your Sega Saturn games from your PC to your console via WiFi using the Fenrir Optical Drive Emulator (ODE).

This new update—which was released early this month by Fenrir creator Ced and spotted by Sega Saturn Shiro—allows you to stream games from your computer’s hard drive directly to the Fenrir. This is something that’s unique to this particular ODE.

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