Random: This Two-Sided NES Cart Is Blowing Our Tiny Minds

Double the fun?

The world of NES collecting is full of unique hardware and software, and it’s not unusual to see odd-looking, off-brand cartridges and consoles, most of which were unlicensed clones designed to cash-in on the popularity of Nintendo’s 8-bit system.

When famed retro YouTuber John Riggs showed off a two-sided NES cart a while back, it was tempted to assume that this was yet another odd pirate cart from the Far East—but actually, it’s a new design by modder @Hey_Its_Thor.

Read the full article on timeextension.com

Double the fun?

The world of NES collecting is full of unique hardware and software, and it’s not unusual to see odd-looking, off-brand cartridges and consoles, most of which were unlicensed clones designed to cash-in on the popularity of Nintendo’s 8-bit system.

When famed retro YouTuber John Riggs showed off a two-sided NES cart a while back, it was tempted to assume that this was yet another odd pirate cart from the Far East—but actually, it’s a new design by modder @Hey_Its_Thor.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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