Getting to level 50 in Fallout 76 to become a ghoul actually isn’t as daunting as it seems, which is why I created a new character

To new players, or for those who haven’t stopped by in a while, getting to level 50 in Fallout 76 may seem a bit daunting. But as you need to get to said level if you want to turn your character into a ghoul, it’s a hurdle that you’ll have to overcome.

Now, if you already have a character over level 50, there’s nothing stopping you from converting that to a ghoul. But if you’re like me and don’t want to sacrifice your long-term character, even if you can reverse the process, then creating a new character is your best bet.

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Getting to level 50 in Fallout 76 a few years ago would’ve been a slightly harder affair, but now, as players get to skip 20 levels straight off the bat, grinding to that goal isn’t quite as hard. You also don’t miss out on anything if you go straight to level 20. It just means you’re “battle ready” straight away, giving you a headstart on perk cards and letting you choose between five presets that supply you with decent beginner gear. After this, you can get straight to grinding out levels.

One of the best ways to level up quickly is just by playing expeditions and making sure you are using perks which can maximise the amount of XP gained by prioritising high intelligence and using temporary buffs like lunchboxes. The Most Sensational Game is one of the best expeditions for levelling up. Between the levels of 20 and 50, I’d gained around three levels each time, getting around 5,000 as a reward at the end. Plus, you’ll get cool items like mods and weapons, and if you team up when running an expedition, you’ll get even more XP.

Another great way to get levelling up quickly is just by completing daily quests and events. Again, teaming up with other players will let you make the most of this. Radiation Rumble, Monster Mash, the Enclave event at the Abandoned Town Bog, and Breach and Clear are all great events to partake in. They let you kill a ton of enemies, and you can even complete Breach and Clear by hiding and going AFK after killing a couple of mole miners.

There are also a couple of items you can consume to increase your XP intake. The higher intelligence you have, the more XP you’ll get, so anything that bumps that stat up is a good thing to take advantage of. Herbivore mutation plus cranberry relish or using chems are a good place to start.

But as you earn XP for pretty much everything you do in Fallout 76, getting up to level 50 isn’t that hard. Just keep at it, and in a week or so, you should be exactly where you need to be to fully transform into a ghoul.


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