“Everything I learned about Dreamcast for Doom 64 applies”.
The legendary PS1 racer WipEout is being unofficially ported to the Sega Dreamcast by jnmartin84—the same talented individual who gave us the Dreamcast conversion of DOOM 64.
As you can see from the footage shared by The Sega Guru below, it’s already looking very promising indeed—and it seems that the hard work that went into the aforementioned Doom 64 port has helped massively with this new project.
Read the full article on timeextension.com
“Everything I learned about Dreamcast for Doom 64 applies”.
The legendary PS1 racer WipEout is being unofficially ported to the Sega Dreamcast by jnmartin84—the same talented individual who gave us the Dreamcast conversion of DOOM 64.
As you can see from the footage shared by The Sega Guru below, it’s already looking very promising indeed—and it seems that the hard work that went into the aforementioned Doom 64 port has helped massively with this new project.
Read the full article on timeextension.com