Minecraft has announced the Spring to Life update at Minecraft Live 2025, which marks the first significant drop for the year. We’ve seen a major chunk of what’s planned for this update, and while it won’t be adding any new biomes or mobs like the Pale Garden release did, it’s still one to look forward to if you’re an avid explorer of Minecraft’s biomes.
The Spring to Life update intends to bring a new life to some of Minecraft’s most iconic landscapes. Places we’ve spent hundreds of hours wandering around, such as the desert or the forest are getting new blocks, new ambient sounds, and even new passive mob variations to help make them feel more immersive and, frankly, more alive. Here’s everything you need to know about the Spring to Life update, and when you can expect to see it for yourself.
When will the Spring to Life update be released?
The Spring to Life update will roll out on March 25, only a few days after its announcement at Minecraft Live 2025. This applies to all platforms too, so no one will have to wait around for this one.
What is included in the Spring to Life update?
There’s a lot to look forward to in the Spring to Life update, with one of the most significant changes being passive mob variations depending on which biome you’re in. Cows, chickens, and pigs will receive visual overhauls to give them a new look each time you change climate. For example, cows found in the snowy areas will now look like highland cows, and chickens in this area will look similar to Polish chickens rather than their traditional white variant. Each mob still has its iconic look Minecraft is known for, just with a slightly different appearance to help each biome feel more unique.
These biomes will also be receiving new sounds, such as wind and sand around the desert and leaf litter crunching. This goes hand in hand with the addition of new movement animations. We’ve seen things like floating particles or pops from lava pools in the past, but these new animations—the glow from a firefly bush or falling leaves—have been designed with the intention of making each biome feel less standstill. New blocks are also being added to each, but we won’t know the full extent of what they are until we jump in for ourselves.
The firefly bush is an example of one of the new additions, which was shown in detail during the livestream. This foliage block can be used to attract fireflies to your area, but unlike bees, you won’t be able to interact with them like a mob. Instead, they seem to be like a light source. According to the livestream, players will be able to ‘turn them on and off’ since the fireflies will glow when it’s dark, and disappear when it’s light. So, I don’t doubt all the Minecraft players who have a field day programming Redstone will love this addition.
Cartographer villager traits are getting changed too, so you’ll receive more maps that guide you toward other villages in different biomes. This has been designed to keep you exploring the world a bit more and encourage you to move to different areas rather than staying in your home base and eventually getting bored of the setting. Knowing that there’s something worth exploring in a biome, such as another village, is the incentive some players will need to get out a little more.
Finally, one of the more minor additions of the Spring to Life update is an overhaul of the spawn eggs. Before, each egg had a color palette related to which mob it would spawn, but given how many mobs the game now has, these eggs were starting to look incredibly similar. Now, each spawn egg will be decorated with a significant feature from each mob, like gill stalks for an axolotl or spider legs. It’s a small change but will make all the difference for creative mode players who are used to checking each egg to see what monster it will bring to life.