
Random: Modder Turns The Nightmarish “PlayStacean” Into A Real PlayStation Console

“Yes, the claw controller is fully functional. No, it is not comfortable to use”.

When League of Legends concept artist Anh Dang came up with the crab-like “PlayStacean” console, she couldn’t possibly have realised that this amusing pun would, one day, become a fully functional console—but that’s precisely what has happened.

Modder GingerOfMods has taken this concept artwork and created a playable system, complete with claw-like controllers and “a handful of mods”.

Read the full article on timeextension.com

“Yes, the claw controller is fully functional. No, it is not comfortable to use”.

When League of Legends concept artist Anh Dang came up with the crab-like “PlayStacean” console, she couldn’t possibly have realised that this amusing pun would, one day, become a fully functional console—but that’s precisely what has happened.

Modder GingerOfMods has taken this concept artwork and created a playable system, complete with claw-like controllers and “a handful of mods”.

Read the full article on timeextension.com



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