
The PS VR Sessions: Rez Infinite

The PlayStation.Blog team can’t wait for October 13. With the launch of PlayStation VR in North America, we’re entering a new era of gaming — one that places players directly into the worlds that developers so lovingly create. To prepare for this amazing next chapter in PlayStation history, we all donned that PlayStation VR headset…

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The Eve Universe Expands with Gunjack on PS VR

Salutations, PlayStation.Blog readers. We at CCP Shanghai are incredibly excited to bring Gunjack to PlayStation VR. Our first-person arcade shooter, built from the ground up for virtual reality, will be a launch title for PlayStation VR and available on October 13. Gunjack delivers fast-paced and fully immersive action in the gorgeous, panoramic sci-fi space setting…

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Battlezone on PSVR Has Four-player Co-op

Early on in the development of Battlezone there was one important question we had to ask ourselves: what’s better than piloting the most powerful tank in the galaxy? The answer of course was blindingly obvious: piloting the most powerful tank in the galaxy right next to your friends… who are also piloting the most powerful…

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