

Bloodborne Hands On

Though Bloodborne shares some broad similarities with Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls, it translates From Software’s trademark high risk, high reward play style to PS4 in new and interesting ways. Starting with its zippier movement speed, Bloodborne seems bound and determined to strip away anything that might encumber the moment-to-moment flow. Shields are no longer…

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Chrome 42 Beta Includes Push Notifications

Also new is the the option to automatically pause plugin content Each browser update usually contains no more than two or three noteworthy new features in this rapid-release-cycle era, and Chrome 42 is no exception. It entered beta a few days back with a couple of notable features — well, at least on the desktop…

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YouTube Now Supports 360-degree Video Uploads, Playback

The video uploading process isn’t entirely automatic YouTube has followed through on its January announcement that it was “working to support 360 degree videos in the coming weeks.” The Google-owned online streaming site announced in a blog post Friday that it now supports 360-degree video uploads. According to the site, the list of compatible 360-degree…

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Steam for Linux Goes Past 1,000-game Mark

The client was released in February 2013 A couple of years after its official release, Valve’s Steam for Linux initiative is making steady progress. It recently notched up a significant milestone when the number of Linux-compatible games on Steam breached the 1,000 mark. Granted, this number still pales in comparison to Windows’ tally of nearly…

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