The Fridge

Tencent is buying 20% stake in Marvelous

News has emerged this morning from Bloomberg that Chinese firm Tencent is buying a 20 percent stake in Japanese developer Marvelous. Marvelous is behind recent hits like Daemon X Machina and Story of Seasons on Nintendo Switch. The move will give Marvelous more company capital to develop its game franchises. This in turn will boost…

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Monolith Soft says they created Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition’s Future Connected epilogue for “two and a half reasons”

Tetsuya Takahashi, Monolith Soft president and creator, was featured in a new Famitsu issue that is out this week. In the issue, Takahashi reveals why Monolith Soft decided to make the Future Connected epilogue for Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, which slated to release on the Nintendo Switch on May 29th. You can see what Takahashi…

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