The Fridge

DOOM 64 will include a brand-new chapter

It has been revealed today that the upcoming port of DOOM 64 will include a brand-new chapter which takes place shortly after the game’s original campaign concludes. The news was announced in a US Gamer interview with James Haley, senior developer at Bethesda Softworks. Here’s what was said: “On our end, persistent players will have…

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Reggie Fils-Aime to join GameStop’s board of directors

GameStop has announced that former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime is joining GameStop’s board of directors. Mr Fils-Aime’s job will be to turn around the company’s fortunes which is clearly a huge challenge. Reggie joins Bill Simon and J.K. Symancyk. “The board refreshment and governance enhancements announced today represent an important milestone in GameStop’s…

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Europe: Nintendo eShop charts for February 2020

Nintendo of Europe has revealed the most downloaded titles for the month of February 2020 on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Interestingly the top two games are third party titles with EA’s Unravel 2 taking the top spot followed by ID Software and Bethesda’s DOOM 3. The soon-to-be-released Animal Crossing: New Horizons is in 6th place…

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